This printable pdf lesson plan is a suggested procedure or ideas for teaching, using the resources provided.

You can use this PPT to present and teach the lesson. It has everything you need.
Powerpoint :Use this ppt with a projector or computer to present the language of the lesson.

We provide flashcards so that if you do not have computers in the classroom, you can still effectively present the language focus and because flashcards are useful to teachers in more ways than one. They can be used to practice and reinforce what has been learnt.
Small-sized Flashcards : Cut out the small site flashcards and use with small groups for games like slap-and-say.
Big-sized Flashcards : Use the big-sized cards to present and practice new language especially the numbers 1 to 5.
PPT Flashcards: These flashcards are also available on PPT

Video slides are ideal for one-to-one teaching. They can also be used for self-tutoring. The video slides are simply the powerpoints as the teacher would use in class. Students can simply watch the slides before the lesson. It simply gets you all set. They are also good for review. You can mute the videos and ask students to tell you what they see. The videos are in WMV format.

Use the worksheets to practice reading, writing and vocabulary. The worksheets are as follows:
Numbers 1 cup : Use this worksheet to practice handwriting, reading and reinforcing the words learnt.
Numbers 2 pandas: Use this worksheet to practice handwriting, reading and reinforcing the words learnt.
Numbers 3 kites: Use this worksheet to practice handwriting, reading and reinforcing the words learnt.
Numbers 4 bears: Use this worksheet to practice handwriting, reading and reinforcing the words learnt.
Numbers 5 balls: Use this worksheet to practice handwriting, reading and reinforcing the words learnt.
Numbers 6 apples: Use this worksheet to practice handwriting, reading and reinforcing the words learnt.
Numbers 7 rabbits: Use this worksheet to practice handwriting, reading and reinforcing the words learnt.
Numbers 8 turtles: Use this worksheet to practice handwriting, reading and reinforcing the words learnt.
Numbers 9 cows: Use this worksheet to practice handwriting, reading and reinforcing the words learnt.
Numbers 10 dogs: Use this worksheet to practice handwriting, reading and reinforcing the words learnt.
Numbers missing letters spelling: Use this worksheet to practice handwriting, reading and reinforcing the words learnt.
Use the puppets to practice the dialogue with the kids.
Numbers Song - Mp3 file
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